How to add value to your home ...according to an English Pit Bull!

Welcome to my blog, Rumbles Blog. The blog of probably the most knowledgable English Bulldog you will ever meet!

Keep it looking good

Both outside and inside make sure your home looks good, is current, and is well maintained. Paint the walls, refurbish the front door, keep the garden tidy. Some of this will fall happily into your DIY skills, some may involve investment and you may prefer to get ‘somebody in’. Eitherway, the investment may be worth it to not only add value to your home, but to also help you sell it quickly when it comes time to sell. If you have a dog like me, don’t forget to clean up after any damage we may have made when we were younger pups, we were sorry about that.

Add Space

Even the finest bit of additional space can add a great deal of value to your home. Add an extension and you will typically add a good level of value to your home, particularly if the extension adds additional functional living space and if it adds another bedroom you may move your property in to a new price bracket. Consider a loft conversion to add space, or a cheaper option tends to be to lose the garage and convert that to an extra living area. If you can add a luxurious kennel space for you dog too, thats a good move. It might not add much value, but I advise it.

Make the outside an extra room

This can be to ‘bring the garden inside’ by adding larger windows and bi folding doors that make a flowing connecting between the outside and inside of your home, or it could simply be to create a great outdoor space to your home, a functional patio, or an alfresco dining area such as with this house for sale in Treerton, Rotherham. Make an additional room from your garden that people want to spend time in and you will add value.

Super Fast Broadband

A modern way to add value to your home is to maximise the availability of the very best broadband available in your area. Increasingly broadband is seen as the forth utility and is rated highly by and increasing amount of buyers.

Make it energy efficient

Start by insulating your home with the likes of loft and cavity wall insulation. For which there are lots and lots of grants around at the moment, making insulating your home much koch cheaper if not free.  Once your home is insulated you can then go further still and replace your boiler with a fuel efficient model (which can be supplied free through the Governments ECO deal if you qualify) and also look at enabling your property to create its own energy through such things as Solar PV panels, bio mass and air source heat pumps, and so on.

Knock down walls

If it fits in your property, consider knocking down walls to change the layout and plan of your property. Its a relatively cheap project and can be used to add more functional space to rooms, or to create an open plan format to rooms that could create a ‘wow’ factor to your property, if it does, that will add value.

Apply for planning permission

Even if you don’t have the money to do the build, it is sometimes a good practice to apply for obvious planning permission as this will add value to your property when it comes time to sell, you have done all the initial planning work and are selling a property with laid out potential for improvement.

Add functionality to match your area

Think about what adaptions you can make to your property that are sought after in your area. For example, if you live in an area where parking is limited to cramped on street parking why not pave over the front garden to create off street parking for your property such as with this property in Otley.

So there are a few tips to help you add value to your home, l told you I knew what I was on about didn’t I! Don’t forget too to check out my other blogs for more valuable advise and if you are thinking about adding vale to your home in order to sell it, get in touch with Belvoir! Sheffield as they can help and advise you more on exactly what you should be doing, and of course provide a current valuation of your property.

Don’t forget to make sure you follow us on Facebook or Twitter as I’ve got lots more help and advise coming out of my paws over the coming weeks, next week I’ll be looking at how to add value to your property!

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