How To Prepare Your Property For Property Photography

Professional Property Photography Sheffield 

So you have decided to put your property on the market, you have chosen your estate agent and now all is left is to showcase your home in it's best light. Property photography is a very important step in the process of selling your home, your images have the potential to create a lasting first impression. The camera can only photograph what is in front of it, so a little bit of preparation is key! At Belvoir Sheffield we can provide professional property photography service when selling or renting your home.

Here are our top tips to get your home ready for those perfect shots…

Furniture placement;

You want to create an impression of space, consider where the photos may be taken from- usually the door entering the room. Anything positioned just inside the doorway will appear very large in the foreground of the photograph, therefore it may be best to have a little move around of your furniture if you think this could be the case.

Natural light;

Property photographs are best taken in natural light, open curtains and blinds to maximise this- this will also make your home appear bright and airy.


The camera can pick up on all of those unwanted details, so cast a critical eye over your space and make sure it is up to scratch- key places to pay extra attention to are windows and reflective surfaces.


Potential buyers want to be able to imagine themselves in your space and concentrate on your property possibly becoming their home. Less is definitely more in photography so it important that you organise your home accordingly, just remember not to declutter too much- you want your home to look lived in.


We all look for details, so go that extra mile in making your home look nice and welcoming. Buy some fresh flowers, arrange your fruit bowl, or light a scented candle- it all counts to that great first impression.

Don’t forget the exterior;

Easily done, but the outside is just as important as the inside. Remove any bins, bikes or unnecessary items from view. Check your garden, is it presentable? Plant some planters and mow the lawn if not as a starting point. Also check how many cars you have on your drive, the photographer needs plenty of space to photograph the exterior of your property and you don’t want lots of cars ruining your shots.

Once you have done all of these, you should be feeling content to hand it over to the professionals to get those perfect shots! 

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