Landlords! Are you ready for the Update to Section 21 on the 1st October?

Welcome to my blog, Rumbles Blog. The blog of probably the most knowledgable English Bulldog you will ever meet!

This week I've been researching the Governments changes to Section 21 of the Housing Act 1988 that come into force on the 1st October 2015, changes that could potentially cost landlords thousands of pounds if they do not handle it correctly.

There are quite a few changes that relate to section 21.  Changes relate to how and when the notice can be served to a tenant, how long a notice is valid for, and the process of dealing with the serving of a notice.

Some of the changes are black and white, others are a little more complicated and very easy for the Landlord to misinterpret and implement incorrectly.

However, landlords need to be fully aware of these changes and very aware of the legal costs that can be involved. If you get any element of serving a notice incorrect it can cost a landlord thousands of pounds. Solicitors fees for serving a notice can be a small fortune and something a landlord needs to ensure they take steps to avoid.

As a landlord can you afford not to use a professional lettings agency that can help and advise you on the changes and the correct steps and processes involved in Section 21 and related areas? Helping to keep you out of trouble and away from unforeseen and expensive fees.  

As a Sheffield property lettings agency with years of experience and made up of local Sheffield property experts that are kept fully up to speed with all the latest changes, developments, and regulations relating to landlords and property management, Belvoir! Sheffield fully understand all the changes and can help and advise you in relation to your specific individual requirements, whether you have one property investment, or a larger portfolio.

Can you afford not to use a professional lettings agency to help ensure you meet your stringent regulations. It could save your thousands of pounds and a great deal of stress! Contact Belvoir! Sheffield today.

Don't forget to make sure you follow us on Facebook or Twitter as I've got lots more Sheffield property help and advise coming out of my paws over the coming weeks, as well as guidance on what to do and what to get up to in Sheffield, a great place to live!

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