Pension Pot Landlords!

Welcome to Rumbles Blog. The BLOG of probably the most knowledgable English Bulldog you will ever meet! Particularly when it comes to property and living in the different areas of Sheffield.

Now then, this could be an interesting year for buy to let and property investment. As in April this year new legislation comes in to practice enabling people to draw down their pension pot in one lump sum and take control of their own pension pot investment, giving them a wad of cash to do what they want with!

I've been having the latest research by Ipos Mori read to me earlier and they have found that an estimated 200,000 people will draw down their pension in the first year from next month. Now to be honest if this was me I would probably spend it all on chew toys and treats, however, it appears that around 32,000 of these people are planning to invest in property of some kind.

These investors are likely to be one off landlords, never having owned investment property before they are likely to buy just one property and seek a nice steady investment, seeking growing value as their buy to let mortgage reduces.  Thats exactly the same strategy I took when buying my last kennel, and its proved to be a great investment, I might even get another soon. I was scared at first, but with the right help and guidance its worked out ok.

Unlike many experienced landlords with a portfolio of investment property, these new property landlords seeking to buy one or two properties are likely to need more help and assistance from an experienced buy to let agency such as Belvoir! Sheffield where they can receive expert advice before they even buy a property, ensuring that they buy the right property for their circumstances in the right area.  

Of course being a dog on the streets of Sheffield I would suggest that any such investor looks to invest in Sheffield. Its a great city with a vibrant buy to let market with high demand for both city centre flats and apartments as well as lots of vibrant areas around the city that have a consistent high demand for rental property, such as Kelham Island.

So if this sounds like you and you are interested in investing in property in Sheffield, get in contact with Belvoir! Sheffield as soon as you can, even before you buy a property for no obligation help and assistance to help you not make any expensive mistakes!  

Oh and of course remember to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to ensure you don't miss more of my tips, advise, and reviews. I've lots more to come… 

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