Right to Rent Immigration Checks!

Welcome to my blog, Rumbles Blog. The blog of probably the most knowledgable English Bulldog you will ever meet! 

This week the Government has announced landlords and lettings agents could face a five year jail sentence if they fail to correctly carry out ‘Right to Rent’ checks on tenants or fail to evict migrants from privately rented properties.

The proposal is to be included in the Immigration Bill that is to be passed through parliament next month.

Some have criticised the move, such as the chief executive of the National landlords Association, Richard Lambert, who told Radio 4 that the proposal had come ‘out of the blue’ and seemed to be a knee jerk reaction to the current immigration crisis in Calais. 

However, on a positive note the proposals should do nothing more than help to further remove rogue landlords from the industry and deter unprofessional investors from entering the industry. 

There is now a vast amount of confusion regarding Right to Rent checks and the amount and type of documents to be checked. Different tenants coming to the UK from countless different countries come with lots of different types of paperwork to substantiate their right to be here in the UK, it is not a simple piece of paperwork that needs checking, it gets quite complicated and the emphasis is now being placed on the landlord.  

That not lonely causes confusion, it also causes worry amounts landlords. Hence, any existing or aspiring property landlords and property investors in Sheffield need to make sure that they speak to an expert at Belvoir! Sheffield as soon as possible. By working with a professional agency that understands the changes and requirements you can have peace of mind that your properties are being managed correctly and you are meeting and exceeding your legal requirements.

It simply means that you need to take the right advice and work with a reputable lettings agency that can ensure you are fully up to speed with all the latest regulations and on top of all the required regulations, protecting both you and your investment. Speak to Belvoir! Sheffield to ensure you are.

Don’t forget to make sure you follow us on Facebook or Twitter as I’ve got lots more Sheffield property help and advise coming out of my paws over the coming weeks, as well as guidance on what to do and what to get up to in Sheffield, a great place to live!

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