Rumbles Household Money saving Tips!

Welcome to my blog, Rumbles blog. The blog of probably the most knowledgable English Bulldog you will ever meet! Particularly when it comes to property and everything to do with your home.

This week, I’ve been sniffing around a few of my favourite ways that you can save money on running your home. As you would expect, I’ve got a dog basket full of great ideas, but here are a few of the most important ones…


It is amazing how many people sit on the same mortgage. Usually because it is simply ‘too much hassle’ to check if they are on a good deal or not. Trust me (I’m a dog) it really isn’t that much hassle, use a quality mortgage broker to make it really easy and make sure you are on the best deal, and shift your mortgage if a better deal is available.

Home Insurance

The same applies to home insurance. Don’t just sit on what you currently pay, make a habit of reviewing it at least every year and make sure not only that it is the best deal but also that you have the right amount of cover for your home.

Cheapest gas and Electricity

Even though I don’t really read or watch the telly, even I’ve noticed that gas and electricity prices are always in the press and go up and down. Shop around to make sure you are on the best deal for both and don’t worry about switching suppliers, it really is no hassle, just a simple process.

But don’t forget that it is not only about the cost you pay, it is about the amount of gas and electricity you use. So switch off the lights when you leave the room, switch electrical items off properly, don’t leave them on stand by. It is true that the little things build up to make a big difference …I’m proof of that.

Get Creative

Upcycle, don’t waste stuff! It is actually very trendy and fashionable to recycle and up cycle all sorts for your home now. If a friend is giving away an old and tired chest of draws, why not take it off their hands, get out the paint brushes and become a little creative. You don’t know what you are capable off, and it can be fun!

Free energy and insulation

There are now lots and lots of grants and initiatives available to help you insulate your home and generate your own power. There are grants enabling you to have a free boiler, discounts on cavity wall insulation, on external wall insulation, loft insulation, and then there is the Governments Greendeal Scheme that can pay a large portion of any home energy improvements that you may be able to undertake.

Don’t forget as well that most of these schemes not only enable you to benefit from reduced energy bills, but also add value to your home…a warm and cosy home.

Gumtree and Ebay

There is probably lots of untapped cash in your home. Think twice before you throw something out, somebody may want it and will pay you cash for it. Ebay is always there, but sites like Gumtree will cost you nothing to sell on, and check out the ‘Things For Sale in….’ pages and groups on Facebook where people post things they want to get rid off. You’ll be surprised how much cash you can make.

But remember that this doesn’t apply to throwing out dog toys if you have a dog like me. You keep hold of them, they are not for sale to anybody, no.

Thinking about selling your home in Sheffield or buying a property in Sheffield? Get in touch with Belvoir! Sheffield. Oh and if you would like more of my help and advise, make sure you follow us on Facebook or Twitter as I’ve got plenty more where this came from!

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