Selling Your First Property

Before you become a first time seller, you need to make sure that you are equipped with the knowledge to ensure that you are making educated and ultimately profitable decisions. Becoming a first-time seller, alike becoming a first-time buyer can be very daunting. In aid of this we have created this three step guide which should make taking the next step on the property ladder as unproblematic as possible.

Choose the right agent

Choosing the right agent for the job is very important. Your agent is there to give you help throughout the process, providing you with reassurance and confidence that you are making right decisions. If an agent cannot answer your questions and leaves you feeling unsure of your decisions do you really want to be selling with them? You want an agent who is reputable and recognisable, this makes it more likely that they will fulfil their promises and find you a suitable buyer.

Your Home

Cast your mind back to when you were a first time buyer, you were likely looking for a house that is low maintenance and that will need little work done when you first move in. This is also exactly what attracts a majority of buyers. Carrying out some DIY, making sure that your home is neat and presentable can crucial in securing a buyer for your property. Sometime the smallest improvement such as a new lick of paint could be the difference between securing and loosing a potential buyer.


A viewing could be arranged at any time so it is important to ensure both you and your property are ready. Small touches can create a really homely environment like some fresh flowers on a table and a pleasant smelling air freshener. Let some light in to the rooms, open the curtains and make sure it looks bright and welcoming to the people coming to view. If you are unable to attend a viewing or don’t feel like you want to give a viewing, talk to your agent who would be happy to do it on your behalf. If you are present for the viewing then make sure you are prepared to answer the viewer’s questions.

Feel free to contact Belvoir Sheffield, where our property experts are more than happy to walk you through the process of being a first time seller. Becoming a first-time seller can be daunting for anyone but with a helping hand from someone in the know, some of the stress will be taken away.

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