Winter Proof Your Belvoir Home

Winter Warmer Tips 

With the cold weather now in full swing, make sure you are protected in your own property from the cold snap (if you haven't already). Whether you're at home or not, here are a few things to consider to keeping your home as warm as possible. 

Low winter temperatures can cause water to freeze and expand and on the worst-case scenario, this can ruin your property and belongings by pipes bursting. Avoid this risk by following the precautions below:

- Maintain at least a low level of heat in the property throughout the day and night, especially if the property is to be left empty for a few days.
– Make yourself aware of the location of stop taps so you can shut off the water supply in case of an emergency.
– Ensure your boiler frost thermostat is working, this will enable the heating to be able to come on during the night when the temperature approaches freezing.
– Check the waste pipes and the overflow pipe from your boiler regularly to make sure they have not iced up.
– Report any minor leaks or dripping taps.

In the event of a burst pipe, don’t panic simply turn off the stop tap and turn on all sink taps to drain out as much water as possible, and have a lucky container near-by to catch any leaks until the issue can be fixed.

You can also prevent serious damage by gardening in these winter months. You may be thinking this is more of a spring/summer activity however you will certainly be thanking yourself for popping on those gardening gloves during the winter months. Trees and plants become heavy in the wet weather, and if you have these climbing the outside of your home, it is best to remove them as they can cause serious damage to your property. Most tenants are responsible for the uptake of the properties garden, you can find this out by reading your tenant agreement.

Another key thing to consider is the ventilation of your property, which is proven to be a little more difficult during the cooler months. This will help to avoid condensation and worst of all mould. Key places to be vigilant are in kitchens and bathroom as they have extra moisture from cooking and baths/showers. Top tip: use air vents, extractor fans and open a window when possible.

Most of all get to know your property and get a feel for what works best. As we are aware the characteristics of each individual property are likely to be different, so if you are a little unsure as to how to take appropriate measure don’t hesitate to contact your landlord or estate agent for some trusting advice.

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