The Rights, Obligations & Responsibilities of the 10,221 Southampton Landlords & 25,247 Tenants During the Virus Outbreak


Communication is the #1 priority here. Whilst most agent’s premises are closed including our own, it is business as usual for telephone and email enquiries, with staff working from home. This is a fast-changing time for everybody but now more than ever we need to stay in touch with each other, an email, text or phone call to our landlords and tenants.

The coming weeks are going to be toughfor the people of Southampton (and the world), financially and mentally; yet together we will come out of this stronger. By working together, working in partnership, again keeping lines of communication open with regards to your finances and your housing, by keepingsafe and protecting our families and most of all by being kind to each other...

We will get through this, a little battered and bruised, yes, buthopefully better human beings for it? Take care and stay safe Brian.



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