This is THE number one upsizing reason bar none. You're considering upsizing because you want, need – or are absolutely desperate for – more inside space.
Read MoreIt’s easy to understand why joint tenancies are so popular with renters in the UK. Sharing a tenancy with a friend, partner or family member means you can split the bills and divide up the chores.
Read MoreNew Year’s resolutions like losing weight or joining the gym are so last year. This year, why not do it differently? Make some New Year’s resolutions for your home.
Read MoreDownsizers play an important role in the property market. They free up hundreds of thousands of empty bedrooms each year and account for a third of all property sales.
Read MoreFinding the perfect letting agent is your first step towards a New Year of hassle-free property management.
Read MoreIf you’ve received some Christmas gifts you don’t want, don’t like (or even absolutely hate), then regifting them can be the perfect solution. Here’s how to do it successfully.
Read MoreSmaller household sizes are one of the reasons the Southampton (and the UK) property market and house prices will continue to hold up well in the medium to long term.
Read MoreYes, we’re in uncertain times, and many of us are up against it financially, but there are reasons for property owners to remain positive and calm in 2025.
Read MoreHere is some advice for landlords in Southampton who are dealing with (and avoiding) burst pipes at a rental property.
Read MoreWith just a few days before Christmas, time is running out to get your gifts. Here are three ways to sort last-minute gifts from the cosy comfort of your own home.
Read MoreFor decades, baby boomers in the UK have been the quiet beneficiaries of a housing market that has worked in their favour.
Read MoreAs many industry experts predicted in the aftermath of the Autumn Budget, impending changes to Stamp Duty have generated a flurry of activity.
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