Being a landlord isn’t easy.
Recent legislation changes have added to a landlord’s responsibilities with this years changes to electrical safety regulations and further amendments to Right to Rent checks. The Coronavirus pandemic has added further complications with temporary legislation changes, so it’s no wonder that so many landlords are looking for help and advice.
That’s were Belvoir can help.
As part of the largest estate agency franchise in the UK, your local Belvoir office in St Helens has an award winning team of lettings agents who are on hand to assist.
If you are a landlord who self manages your property and are concerned, then why not ask us to manage your property? If you sign up to our full management service, you’ll get the first THREE months management completely FREE and we’ll also conduct a FREE compliance review to make sure that your property is fully compliant with all of the latest regulations.
Even if you have your property managed through another agent, are you sure that they are looking after your best interests?
Speak to one of our lettings experts by calling 01744 733522.