Self-Employed Income Protection

Are you covered if you fell ill or got seriously injured?

If you’re self-employed what would you actually do if you couldn’t work?

⚽️🩼 Say you got injured at football, had a car crash or fell really ill.

🪠👨‍🔧 Could you make it to work on the Monday morning? If not, where would your income come from?

🏡 If you are self-employed and you do not have income protection in place, you seriously risk not being able to pay your mortgage or rent and bills if you can’t work!

👨‍💼Also if you are employed and you feel your sick pay is inadequate or you were off work for a longer period of time than what your sick pay period covers (ask yourself the question: could you live off Statutory Sick Pay – Currently £99.35 per week?), Income Protection can also apply to you.

💷 Income Protection gives you the peace of mind that all your essential bills are covered while you can focus on getting back fit for work.

Please get in touch, so that you are never in this position!

Have a great weekend.


Mike Bowcock​
Mortgage, Protection and GI Adviser
Mortgage Advice Bureau
M  07737409934

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