Sunshine all the way!

If you're a keen gardener then you'll have been grateful for all of the rain that we've had – now it's time to relax and enjoy your surroundings. If you’re planning on selling then it’s worth making the most of the dry weather and giving your garden some extra TLC – every little bit of time and attention spent tidying up the outside of your property will be worth it. As potential buyers look at your home, they’ll be looking to see if it’s easy to care for – does it look like the current owners are spending time looking after it? Will the patio or pathways be full of weeds and wild flowers if you turn your back for a moment? It’s worth doing what you can to present a clean and tidy home – inside and out.
When we take a house on to sell it, we provide detailed floor plans, excellent photography and a 360 degree tour so that potential buyers can view the property from the comfort of their own home – but the thing we can't capture with all the technology, is that certain something that makes you feel like a house could be yours.
We all have lists of 'would like to have' but sometimes they go out of the window when we walk through the door of a property. Maybe it's a view that takes your breath away? Imagine if you could wake up to a spectacular view every morning!
Did you know that you can come in and ask us for advice? We're more than just an office with estate agents at desks – we offer seminars to help people learn more about the buy to let market (amongst other things!). Would you like to find out more? Give us a call on 020 3859 3444 or call in and have a chat.

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