Transform your Garden this Summer

The garden. A space for you, your family and friends to unwind. Whether it’s enjoying a warm afternoon in the height of summer or getting everyone together for an amazing barbecue, it’s one of the hubs we have and that means we’ve got to take care of it.

Not everyone has a green thumb, and not everyone wants, or can, spend a huge amount of time getting the garden into the state that they’re happy to share it with others. There are options out there, such as hiring a third party to do it for you but remember that even some very simple changes can make a huge difference. You might still need help but if it’s an enjoyable, easy to maintain space, it becomes easier.

Here are a few ideas for you to think about, because even though summer is a while away, the earlier you get started the better!

What do you use it for?

First of all, think of what you use your garden for. Depending on your answer to this question, there will be different options available to you, such as whether it’s purely decorative, a space for kids to play, inviting friends and family around to socialise or something else.

Lawn areas, well cared for, are a great option for a range of people. They can be easily cared for, add some colour and area good space to relax or play on. As long as the ground is reasonably firm, there’s nothing to stop you putting chairs out on occasion too.

Patios or stoned areas are an easier to maintain option but takes more effort to put in place initially. These areas are great for relaxing and enjoying the day and night, with chairs and tables common. Barbecues might also be here. A lot of gardens have both, if there’s space.

Don’t forget room for plants and trees, as well, to add some life, colour and vibrancy!

How much space do you have?

This is one of the biggest questions to ask; how much space do you have? Alongside this, consider how much time you have and what your budget is. These and more factors will ultimately decide what work you do now, what you save for later and if you do it all yourself.

More space gives you more options and can let you make your garden a great space for all but it will cost more and take longer to do. Less space means you might have to focus on one or two things to really make it look the part.

The shape and exits will also help with your plans. Do you have a conservatory or door that would lead on to a nice terrace or patio area? Brilliant. Beyond that, a lawn with flowers to the side or even through it depending on what you want to show off and perhaps a path leading to a gate at the end. That’s just one idea but depending on what you’ve got to work with, you may have others.

Don’t forget water features!

Once popular, then forgotten, water features are coming back. They don’t have to be a centrepiece or flashy but a small pond or fountain adds another level to the garden. Keep it to the side or make it look more natural by building it into some rocks or a rise of land.

Running water also has a calming effect in a garden and then if you want to introduce fish or aquatic life, you can look at that too – depending on which option you go for.

What’s the value to all this?

Such a big transformation to your garden will come with a cost, certainly. You’re going to have to spend to make into what you really want but you’ll get so much more out of it.

Beyond the time you spend in it and the memories you make, you’ll have created something that others can enjoy in the future. An easy to maintain garden will appeal to people who don’t have the time, energy or motivation to do it themselves while those who like gardening will undoubtedly find it a project they can add to and make their own.

Whether you’re thinking of selling before or after the summer, investing in the garden is a good way to add more value to your home by creating more usable space for people to enjoy.

Do you have any plans to transform your garden for the summer months? Share with us your ideas and plans – you never know when inspiration will strike and there may be some very useful points to help you do it!

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