One of the keys to a comfortable home is safety. People ensure that they pick their homes’ location in minimal crime and well-guarded places. They secure their houses’ window and door locks, and as much as possible they install CCTV. Unfortunately, they forget to protect themselves inside the house. According to the NHS, around 1 in 3 adults over 65 will have at least one fall in the home per year and about half of these will have more frequent falls. This can lead to minor and major injuries, disability or even fatal death.

Minor and major injuries that one could get from falling:

bruise, scratch, cuts, and lacerations

bone fracture and dislocation

head and brain injuries

back and spinal cord injuries

blood clotting

potential death


While the above listed are instant effects of falling, there are also effects that are long-term or could later manifest.

coma or stroke

cardio-respiratory problems

heart attacks

Depression from major and long-term injuries


 People should be more careful and aware of how to prevent tripping and falling from happening. However, accidents could be everywhere. It can be from the slippery bath or shower floors. It can be the wrong step from the stairs. Someone can stumble and fall from uneven floors, paths or ramps and many more. There are several precautionary measures that you can observe at home.

Make sure clutter are removed and put to its proper place.

Mop spills immediately to prevent wet and slippery floor.

Provide adequate lighting to every corner of your home.

Install safety rails for elders.

Replace broken tiles and fix uneven flooring.

Watch out for cords, trailing wires or anything that can make you lose your balance.


The above listed are in general, but there are also guidelines to consider in every part of your house.



    Dry floors on bathrooms are impossible to maintain, but you can use non-slip mats and pair of rough sole slippers. Check if faucet seals are tightly closed and if there are leaks on pipes. Fix immediately if there is a problem. Handrails on bath and showers are not only for elders but also for good grip.



    Tripping or falling from stairs is extremely dangerous that’s why the condition and angle of the stairs should be considered. As much as possible avoid steep stairs and variation in the height and length of the steps. Putting rails again makes it safer. If you have kids, make sure they can reach the steps or carry them if needed. Watch them closely and prevent them from stepping or playing on the steps on their own. Rails with close interval could keep someone especially children (who slipped) from falling over to the side of the stairs. If there is a carpet, make sure it is laid properly and could not cause stumbling.


Physiological Conditions

    If you are feeling anything such as dizziness, series of headache, heart and breathing problems or pain, go to the doctor immediately before you collapse and receive more injuries from falling. Certain diseases need proper assistance, especially when there could be sudden seizures and weakness from standing. If you have poor eyesight, make sure to wear glasses or lenses at all times. Do not carry items that are beyond your force capacity. Seek help to prevent stumbling. Do not let a drunk person walks around the house on his own.



    A home’s safety is built and secured by the people inside it. So, we should start by making the inside of the home a safer place. Falls and trips could be mostly prevented if we pay attention and watch closely to where we step. If any fall happens, keep calm and check for injuries. If you’re hurt or unable to get up, try to get someone’s attention by calling out for help, banging on the wall or floor. If possible, crawl to a telephone and dial for an ambulance.

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