Articles & Property News in Sutton

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OAP Renters in Sutton Properties

Recent statistics published by the Office of National Statistics show that there are 267,704 priv...

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With 4,983 people in Private Rented Properties in Wallington - Should you still be investing in Wallington Buy To Let?

If I were a buy to let landlord in Wallington today, I might feel a little bruised by the assault...

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Carshalton First Time Buyers borrow £22m in the last 12 months

Starting with the bigger picture, over the last 12 months in the UK, 1,061,557 properties were so...

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Private renting in Sutton set to hit 4,467 households by 2021 - Is Buy to Let immoral? (Part 1)

Can we blame the 55 to 70-year-old Sutton citizens for the current housing crisis in the town? A...

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£28m a year black hole in the Sutton Property Market - Is Buy to Let Immoral? (Part 2)

An Englishman's Home is His Castle as Maggie Thatcher lauded - everyone should own their own home...

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£6.19bn - The total value of all Carshalton Property Market

"How much would it cost to buy all the properties in Carshalton?" This fascinating question was ...

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Sutton Property Market Sees An Unpredicted Autumn Boost of 55%

Well, it doesn't seem like two minutes ago that it was Christmas - and now it's all over! One col...

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Carshalton property price rises set to be more restrained in 2017 due to Brexit

While Brexit has not yet had a sizeable impact on the Carshalton housing market, my analysis is p...

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Sutton Semi-Detached House Prices rise by 411% in 20 years

The semi-detached house with its bay windows and net curtains has long been ridiculed as an emble...

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Carshalton Property Market - Q4 Update

Well, hasn't 2016 been eventful. The ups and downs of Brexit, the Queen's 90th, Andy Murray winni...

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Sutton OAP's total £1.65 bn of Property

Sutton people aged over 65 currently hold more housing wealth in their homes than the annual GDP ...

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Carshalton First Time Buyers Are Paying 16.7% More Than 12 Months Ago

Figures just released by the Bank of England, show that for the first half of 2016, £128.73bn was...

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