When looking for houses for sale in Swansea, Mumbles or Sketty, you have to find the right neighbourhood for you. After all, It’s not just a property you choose when you buy a new house. The neighbourhood you are in helps your house to feel like home.
Finding the right neighbourhood is so important. When you buy a new property, you’re not only buying a house, you’re also choosing a new neighbourhood! The area that you choose can have a significant impact on your quality of life. It couldn’t be more important to put some time and effort into researching the areas you’re considering to make sure you’ve selected one that’s best suited to you and your family’s needs.
This is why our team at Belvoir Swansea, Mumbles & Sketty has some great advice to help ensure you make the right decision. Our expert team of estate agents has been helping home buyers find the right property for sale in Swansea, Mumbles and Sketty for over a decade. The Belvoir Swansea, Mumbles & Sketty teams of local estate agents are experts in the local property market. Here they share what home buyers should look out for to find the right neighbourhood.
Find The Right Neighbourhood For You: Browse Online First
Before you view any properties in person, take some time to browse online. Most estate agents have informative websites that include detailed information, local area guides and descriptions of the neighbourhoods they serve. For example, our website gives you details about the different neighbourhoods within Swansea, Mumbles and Sketty.
If you are looking for houses for sale in Swansea, our Swansea page offers local information. For those looking for property for sale in Sketty, please refer to our Sketty page. Our Mumbles & Gower page offers a detailed guide to neighbourhoods for those looking for houses for sale in the Mumbles.
Look At Trends In Local Property Values
You can check the prices of local properties like those you’re considering buying over time to see property value trends. This will help you determine whether the investment you’re making is a good one in the long term.
Ask About Any New Developments
You should ask your solicitor and estate agent about any new developments that are planned in your chosen area. Looking up the area plan for your local council is also wise. If a significant development is set for construction nearby, that could have an impact on property prices and could result in more pollution and congestion. On the other hand, the new infrastructure that often goes along with new housing developments could bring you excellent benefits.
Swansea is currently undergoing major redevelopment. Development projects in the area promise to bring about employment and social improvements. You can find out more about developments in Swansea here.
Find The Right Neighbourhood For You: Visit The Neighbourhood
Don’t just visit the house you’re considering buying. Take the time to visit the local neighbourhood too, preferably on foot. Walking around the area lets you spot things you possibly wouldn’t when driving. Visit local shops and cafes to feel the local vibe, and visit at different times to ensure you feel equally safe both day and night.
Check The Local Crime Rate
Estate agents aren’t permitted to disclose information about local crime rates as it could be discriminatory and misleading, but you can check the information yourself. Remember that crimes happen everywhere, but if something feels off about your chosen area, trust your instincts.
Check Out Local Schools
If you’ve got children, local schools will be a significant consideration for you. If you’re planning to start a family in the near future, it’s wise to think ahead and begin checking out local nurseries now. Look at school websites and prospectuses to get a feel for a school. Book a visit, preferably in term-time so that you can see how the children act in their environment.
Test Run The Commute
Before you buy a property, try a test run of your commute to work! Daily commuting can majorly impact your life – sitting in traffic jams for hours before and after work is stressful, costly, and time-consuming. Whenever possible, do a test run at the time you’d typically travel to and from work. Or, at the very least, check the route on Google Maps to see how long the journey should take. If you are using public transport, make sure that there are buses or trains to your required destination and that they run at suitable times.
Are You Looking For Houses For Sale in Swansea, Mumbles or Sketty?
Finding the right neighbourhood for you needn’t be a challenge if you follow our tips. If you’ve chosen an area in Swansea and need more information, get in touch with our team at Belvoir Swansea, Mumbles & Sketty on 01792461929 or at swansea@belvoir.co.uk. We’re experts in the local property market and will help find the perfect home for you.