What Next For Pleasurama Site?

After a decade of staring at the eyesore that is the derelict site on the Ramsgate Seafront there seems to be some movements. The council has agreed to end its agreement with the developers and take back the site. Fantastic news it would seem, an opportunity to mull over different possibilties for the site, and I’m sure the list is endless for the more imaginative of people among us. For the locals this has been a torrid debacle that has gone on for way to long.

Local MP Laura Sandys says ” “Ramsgate truly is a national treasure and we all want to see the fabulous seafront restored.

“That’s why it is imperative that the next move is the right one.

“A rash decision on the future of the site could be catastrophic. We have huge potential and it’s time that leading architects were brought in to help us formulate a masterplan for Ramsgate seafront.”

I completely agree with her, we have the opportunity to add something really amazing to the lovely sea front Ramsgate has and hopefully it wont take another ten years to see it!

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