Washing Machine Tips to Reduce Odour and Mould

Maintaining a clean and fresh-smelling washing machine is essential for tenants, ensuring their laundry comes out spotless and odour-free. Here at Belvoir Tunbridge Wells, we’ve gathered top tips from the helpful team at Levett and Martin to help you keep your washing machine in prime condition.

Close up of Basket with clothes in laundry room with washing machine on background

Using the Right Amount of Detergent

One of the most common causes of foul odours from washing machines is using too much detergent. Most of us follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the detergent packaging, which often leads to overuse. Typically, we’re only washing out perfume and sweat, so less detergent is required. Unless you’re washing heavily soiled clothes, no more than one tablespoon of detergent is necessary. This is particularly crucial if you’re using liquid detergent or if your home has a water softener.

A simple test to check if you’re using too much detergent is to run a hot wash without any clothes and without adding detergent. If it suds up, it’s a sign that you need to reduce the amount of detergent you use.

The Importance of Hot Washes

Using mainly low-temperature or cold washes can contribute to odour and mould build-up. While these settings are fine for most washes, preventive maintenance becomes vital. To prevent residue build-up, make your hottest wash or soak cycle the last cycle on wash day. If you don’t perform hot washes (60°C and above) regularly, do a maintenance wash once a month with a quarter bag of washing soda at the hottest temperature available. This practice helps dissolve any residues that can cause odours.

Keep the Door Slightly Open

Always leave the washing machine door slightly open when it’s not in use. This allows air to circulate, helping to dry out the interior and prevent mould and mildew growth.

Moderation with Fabric Softener

Excessive use of fabric softener can also contribute to odours. Fabric softener is dispensed during the rinse cycle and tends to collect on the inside of the plastic outer tub. This residue serves as a food source for mould and bacteria, which thrive in the dark, moist environment of the washing machine. Use fabric softener in moderation to avoid this issue.

Check for Obstructions in Drain Pumps

Obstructions in drain pumps can cause mould odours by reducing the flow of water when draining. Most front-load washers have a filter trap accessible to the owner. Before calling for appliance repair services, consult your owner’s manual for instructions on accessing this trap. Always unplug your machine or shut off the circuit breaker before working on it. Keep several towels nearby when working on the drain pump, as there’s usually up to a gallon of water left in all washers even after draining.

It’s surprising what can find its way into the pump—bra wires, toys, coins and screws are common items that can jam the pump or catch lint, causing drainage problems and unpleasant smells.

Additional Tips for Maintaining a Fresh Washing Machine

  • Regular Cleaning: Wipe down the door seal and drum with a damp cloth regularly to remove any residue and prevent mould growth.
  • Use Vinegar and Baking Soda: Once a month, run an empty wash cycle with two cups of white vinegar, followed by another empty cycle with half a cup of baking soda. This helps to clean and deodorise the machine.
  • Check Hoses: Inspect the water inlet hoses for any blockages or signs of wear. Replace them if necessary to ensure smooth water flow and prevent stagnant water, which can cause odours.

Maintaining your washing machine doesn’t have to be a onerous chore. By following these simple tips, you can ensure your machine stays clean, fresh and efficient, providing you with the best possible laundry results.