Quick Budget Reaction 2016 From a Landlords POV

The devil is in the detail to the budget but the initial notes hold surprising few indications of changes for landlords in today’s budget.  Hopefully that won’t change too much as sometimes the worst bits are in the Chancellors speeches but follow later in the paperwork.

Key Notes for Landlords are:

  • Stamp Duty previous decision to increase by 3% for 2nd property ratified
  • Aim to Speed up the planning process.  That seems to have been an aim for a while.
  • Capital Gains Tax has decreased by 8% – but not for profits on residential property.  This seems to be a theme for landlords recently!
  • General Increases in Personal Allowances which will benefit all

Other than that it was a “steady as she goes budget”.  

Headlines for a sugar tax , which my fit marathon running colleague Anna was up in arms about, when it’s more more likely to be me paying towards that!   

Nice initial reactions as well at Property Tribes and Property118.

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