Gardens Asset or Liability For Lettings in Hillingdon?

Belvoir have recently put out a piece on gardens for landlords and it’s worth a read.  So what are our thoughts on Gardens in Hillingdon, one of London’s leafiest borough!?

Gardens are a great asset in your property but when you have them to get the most from them you need to be accepting of the type of tenants who use them most.  Who uses gardens the most?  Pet owners (especially dog owners) and parents with children.

So to make the most of an asset that you own consider accepting an appropriate type of tenant.  Many pet owners struggle to find suitable property so saying that you will accept pets can increase demand for your property by 100%.

Good Fences Make Good Neighbours

Make sure the garden is enclose and fenced properly.  This is the first thing that tenants who care about garden space will want.  

Simple Wins

Keep gardens simple.  Super simple.  A good tenants garden will consist of a lawn, a patio a fence and a shed containing a strimmer and a lawn mower.

If you are a budding Derek Jarman and can design a low maintenance garden then knock yourself out but if not leave it alone.  Simplicity rules.

Will Tenants Look After My Cockerel Topiary? 

I can count on the left little finger the number of tenants who have been truly interested in gardening.  They are a rare breed and lovely when you come across them.

If you have a larger property to let then consider paying a gardener on a regular basis to maintain the garden.  This may be covered by the rent.

Always happy to discuss subjects like this with local landlords!

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