Do you know all these few property facts about our town of Uxbridge....

In Uxbridge of the UB8 postcode there are 335 streets, with 12,647 households and just about a quarter (3,026 to be precise) have changed hands since 2006.

At 10% of housing, compared to the national average we have less than half the proportion of detached houses normally found, but still more than most London areas. Whilst the amount of Semi’s at 30% is about the national average, we have about two thirds the norm for terrace houses. There is a very high proportion of flats in the area, 35%, compared to a national average of half that figure.

Two thirds of us own our home, in one form or another and 20% rent socially. It is significant that the proportion of people renting privately continues to increase.

These are all positive signs that Uxbridge is a good area to buy property. If you would like more useful information pop in to see us at our office on Hillingdon Hill, Uxbridge.

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