Hillingdon Council Acts to limit development rights from office to residential

At the full council meeting yesterday Hillingdon Council voted to start a consultation process than would most likely restrict the automatic planning rights for developers seeking to convert light industrial and office buildings to residential use.  The consultation will likely take around a year before introduction in time for the change in regulation.

The proposed Article 4, a local planning rule change, will take effect in certain locations around the borough to stop the legislation.  Cllr Boroughs in his speech recognised that a blanket borough wide restriction would likely fall foul of central government.

The aim of the council move is to stop redevelopment in industrial and office areas to residential in a move to safeguard employment in the borough. They seem to be quite happy for small scale redevelopment but want to protect areas such as; Uxbridge and Hayes industrial areas, North Uxbridge Industrial estates, Stockley Park, Bath Road sites, Packet Boat Lane, Heathrow Perimeter and interestingly Uxbridge Town Centre.

You can see more of the announcement here which had cross party support…Skip ahead to 18:25.

This will be a blow to developers but one likely to be taking place in many councils up and down the country and sounds sensible to preserve the character of industrial and office locations.

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