Hillingdon Property Prices - February Update 2016

The latest figures form the Land Registry have been released.  They show that Hillingdon property prices are continuing to grow at a healthy rate, although the growth rate last month was behind London for once.

Not the fastest rate in London, but still good for property owners.

In December Hillingdon prices rose by 1.4%, bringing the annual increase to 15.2%.  This is just behind Barking and Dagenham when the growth rate was 15.3%.  The average property in the borough is now £374,830.

Greater London as a whole rose by 2.1% on the month and 12.4% on average vs last year.  The average property in London now costs over half a million at £514,097.

The only other place in England and Wales with higher growth than Hillingdon was Reading.  Perhaps the market in Reading is anticipating some of the benefit from Crossrail as well.

Across England the monthly growth on average was a healthy 1.2% bringing annual growth to 6.4%.

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