How to Find Good Property in a Competitive Housing Market In West Drayton

Have been having a look at the property on the market for sale and rent in West Drayton UB7.  The area continues to attract a lot of interest from investors in the area, many drawn by the prospects that Crossrail brings in 2019.    

How is the West Drayton Property Market Performing?

Good quality smaller property is selling quickly.  For example this two bed property in Waterford House, Thorney Mill Road, West Drayton which is sold subject to contract (STC) offered at £260,000.  A sale was agreed in a couple of days.  At a rent of £1150pcm would make for a yield of 5.3%.

Waterford House is a lovely picturesque location (we manage a couple of properties there) but is a bit of a walk to the station. 

This fast market is reflected in the volume of property sold STC.  In West Drayton there is 10 one beds on the market compared to 20 sold stc.   Compare that to Uxbridge with 33 on the market and 29 sold STC.  This shows how quickly the housing market is moving in West Drayton at the moment and Uxbridge is also fairly quick! 

How to Use Rightmove to your Advantage

If you want to buy what would help you some of these studios, one beds and two beds that are on the market?  I would set up automated emails on Rightmove that will send you messages when new property appears on the market.  Create an account on the site and arrange to see emails on a daily basis.  

How to Manage Estate Agents

When a suitable property comes up then contact the Estate Agents to arrange an appointment quickly.  be in contact early on and make a positive impression.  Forgive them their non-returned phone calls and lack of information – there are good and bad agents in West Drayton.  I know it might wrangle but they are the gateway to the property that you want, so keep them onside. 

If you see a property you like send me a link and I would be happy to give a comment on it and a likely rent in the area.  

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