The Hillingdon Property Market - March 2015 - Hillingdon in top 5 for Price Growth in London for the last Year!

I have been taking a look at the latest Land Registry figures for Hillingdon and they show how the property market in the local area is still very healthy.

So healthy in fact that amongst the 33 London Boroughs, Hillingdon has had one of the 5 property price increases for the last year.  Only Lewisham, Greenwich and Newham property prices grew faster than Hillingdon in the last year.   

Good news if you are invested in property and more of a challenge if you are looking to invest or are a first time buyer.  Keep saving hard!

AreaMonthly Change Mar 15 vs Feb 15Annual Change Mar 15 vs 14Average House Price
England % Wales-0.8%+5.3%£178,007
Greater London+0.2%+11.3%£462,799

So locally prices are still rising.  To put that into context that’s an increase of £49,340 over the last year,  Well over the average full time workers annual salary.

 Volumes are still low though compared to what they were before 2007.  Jan 2015 sales were 230 which is about average for the last five years.  Although last Jan 2014 was 50% higher.

Hillingdon Quarterly Rolling Sales Volumes

Book Valuation