A landlord and worried about the election result?

If you are worried about the current election result and wonder what the way forward is for the property market I would recommend taking stock for a few moments.

Every new government and major event creates a new different type of property market.

The UK property market did not go disappear because of the 2009 Global melt-down of the Credit Crunch.

The UK property market did not disappear on Brexit results.

And the UK property market did not disappear when Labour won in 1997/2001/2005.

The UK property market did not disappear when Trump got in.

… and it won’t today

Currently the BBC predict 316 Conservative seats .. 10 short of a majority

The Torys will probably form the next Govt with the 10 MP’s from the Northern Ireland DUP and to add heart, the 326 seat finishing post is actually lower because Sinn Fein MPs don’t take their seats and vote, which sets a lower bar for any party seeking an overall majority to 322 as they have won 7 seats

Everything will be fine… a new housing minister will be appointed and every situation creates a different type of property market.  I look forward to seeing what ours will hold!

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