Marketing The Belvoir Way

Our aim is to secure you the best possible sale for your property.  We cannot achieve that aim if we rush to market with pictures taken on a scruffy mobile phone, a poorly thought out description and a brochure printed onto wilting A4 paper on the office photocopier.

Your home will not be sold in a vacuum.  You are competing for buyers with every similar property out there.  And so it is our job to ensure that when your perfect buyers have slumped onto their sofa after a hard day and are scrolling through Rightmove on their iPads that your home first grabs their attention and then tugs on their emotions.

There’s a formula that we follow to create the most compelling property adverts in the area – let us take you through what we do & why:

Book Valuation


Eye Catching Photography

As we mentioned before, we’re in competition for potential buyers’ attention with every other property in the price category.  Most people are now searching on mobile devices, scrolling through a long list of potential homes.  There are two key elements to the pictures:

Stunning Exteriors

The lead photograph is perhaps the most important. On mobiles this is the one chance we’ve got to hook buyers into the main advert.  Desktop searchers will typically see two images – so our second photo is also rather important.  In order to make sure that these stand out, we use a few techniques with our professional photographer.  The most impactful is twilight photography – but with only a very short window of time to get these pictures, we have to be organised!


Lifestyle Images

Buying a home is a deeply emotional process, all tied up with feelings of safety, security, identity and family. We need to show off the desirable lifestyle on offer, which your buyers are looking for.  It takes exceptional skill to show off both the cosy reading nook and the view beyond.  It takes an artistic eye to pick up on the most appealing lines – and an understanding of who the likely buyer is and their needs.



Home Styling And Prep

Some homes just need a little bit of help to show off their true potential, and we can bring that with us. It might just be setting the breakfast bar with croissants and coffee, adding hotel spec towels, textured throws or colourful fruit & flowers.
From time to time we see an empty home, one with empty rooms or one where a room isn’t quite as the owners would want it to be. Our wildly skillful virtual stylist can carefully dress these with correctly scaled furniture and furnishings appropriate to the room & property. Take a look at our before and after’s for the difference that our digital wizard can make!

  1. Virtual styling. From time to time we see an empty home, or one with empty rooms. Our wildly skillful virtual stylist can carefully dress these with correctly scaled furniture and furnishings appropriate to the room & property. Take a look at the photo below, 10 points to anyone who can tell me which items are real and which put in by our digital wizard!
2b. 200219-214 Open plan from kitchen VS


Accurate, Impactful Descriptions

Your home is greater than the sum of its bedrooms and bathrooms, and estate agents are notorious for their writing abilities. We use a copywriter who has a rather firmer grasp on evocative writing than we have – and who will interview you to understand what’s been important to you about your home, and what you’ve loved over the years.  After all, your likely buyer is probably much like you were when you bought or built your home, and will be attracted by the same things.


Unique Brochures

Once we have the photographs and the 3d tour ready to go, our fabulous graphic designer will work up a visual identity for your home’s brochure.  We’ll work collaboratively to produce something that showcases your home’s best features, and that will take pride of place on potential buyers’ coffee tables after their viewing, reminding them of all the reasons that they must have your home.

Sales Brochure


3D Tours

These days, the lack of a proper 3d tour is inexcusable. Matterport are the gold standard, and with a little bit of know-how, the tour can even extend to the outside.  Potential buyers can get a feel for the space, and start to fall in love with your home before the viewing.  After the viewing they can double-check measurements, have another look around and reflect on all the reasons that this is the home for them.




A well crafted video – not the office junior clip clopping through with an iPhone 3 or a poorly transitioned slideshow – can work wonders in showing off how a property sits in the surrounding area and demonstrating the lifestyle touches.  Not every potential buyer will be interested in video, but those that are absolutely love it.  It’s very powerful on social media, and reactions tend to be very emotionally driven.


Social media campaigns

It’s not always the case that our most likely buyers are paying attention to the portals, and we don’t want to just wait for them to find our adverts – we need to go out and find them.  Of course, we’ll have a list of potential buyers to call, but this is a really important way of showing your home to likely buyers in the area.  We set up a highly targeted campaign to put your home in front of the sort of people most likely to appreciate it – and make it easy for them to get in touch.

Social image2 multi brochure

There are a few FAQs about what we do, listed below:

Typically 2 to 3 weeks by the time brochures arrive hot from the printers. We use only the best photographers, designers, copywriters – and they’re busy people. The earlier you talk to us the better, so that we can book ahead and plan your launch campaign.

No minimum period. We’ve complete confidence in the formula.

Read our page ‘I’m planning to sell’ and give me a call as soon as possible.  We’ll help you every step of the way.

Try our checklist ‘Trying to sell’– if you score highly then an offer is probably just around the corner.  If not, give me a call and let’s have a chat about what we can do to help.

Read this page ‘I’m struggling to sell’ and give me a call if you’d like me to take a look at your current marketing.

Arrange a free market appraisal

If you’re looking to sell or you’re just interested in how much your property might be worth, the best way to get an accurate and detailed understanding is through a free one-to-one appraisal with one of our experienced local agents. Request an appraisal with us using the form below.

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