Landlord fined after leaving central Watford house in 'dangerous state'

Thursday 19th June 2014 By Mike Wright, Chief Reporter, Watford Observer

A landlord has been fined for leaving one of his properties in central Watford in a dangerous state for his tenants.

Mohammed Shahbaz Khaliq was told to make improvements to the house in Queens Road after council officers found leaks, damp, and stairs without handrails during an inspection.

When the 29-year-old failed to do the works he was issued with a legal notice by Watford Borough Council.

After he again failed to complete the repairs, Khaliq was prosecuted and appeared at St Albans Magistrates’ Court on Monday, June 9, charged with failing to comply with an improvement notice.

Khaliq, of Balmoral Road, north Watford, was fined £3,000 and ordered to pay £6,609.70 in costs.

Councillor Steve Johnson, portfolio holder responsible for housing at Watford Borough Council said:

"Prosecution is a last resort and not something the council pursues lightly. We will always try to work with co-operative landlords to support them in running their businesses.

"It is however essential that tenants, who are paying increasing rents for their homes, are not put in danger and that the reputation of the vast majority of Watford’s excellent landlords is not tarnished.

"The works being required were essential to prevent accidents and ill health. Despite advice and help being offered improvements were not made. The court’s decision is a clear message that landlords should comply with the law."

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