How does Mnster compare to the York rental market?

This week we are lucky to have an Intern work experience student from Münster Council working with us. 
As Münster council is twinned with City of York Council we were interested in the comparisions in the two Cities. 
It seems they are more similar than you'd initially think: 

Housing market in Münster

Over 307 842 People are living in Münster since the 31th December 2016. With 52,09 % of this number there live more female people than male people. Most of the citizens are belonging to the age group from 30 to 49 years or they are belonging to the age group from 18 to 29 years.

One reason for the influx of inhabitants is the university. The city council of Münster is expecting, that the high numbers of students solidly will remain in compare to the last year. Furthermore, Münster is also for many employers obviously an attractive location. This becomes clear in the increase of the employees during the last years. At the 31th December 2016 there were 216 200 people in paid work and 61 441 students at 9 Colleges/Universities. On the picture you can find further information about the types and ages of the people, who live in Münster.


The price of a flat in Münster is basically depending on the numbers of square metres and the location. In 2016 you paid average 4.000 € (£ 3.559,80) per square metre. The highest price for a flat was 5.300 € (£ 4.716,73) per square metre. In 2016 the rents for a flat costed on average 8,80 € (£ 8,83) per square metre and the highest rent for a flat was 12,20 € (£ 10,86) per squares metre.


Also, because Münster is predicted to be attractive for foreseeable time, so that many households still have the wish to move to Münster and to remain there. This is limited by the supply side, because already today the inquiry for flats exceeds the available amount and that pushes the  prices upward.


By Larissa Engbers, Intern Work Shadower for Belvoir York.

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