York Named Best City to Raise a Family

York has been voted the best city to raise a family in a recent report. 

The Family Hotspots Report by OneFamily takes into consideration 71 sets of data to rank cities based on factors including the quality of education, neighbourhood safety, childcare costs and the availability of affordable property, local amenities and green spaces.

The historical city was found to have lower-than-average house prices and strong educational results, with more than 60 per cent of students achieving grades A*-C at Key Stage 4, significantly higher than the national average of 49.7 per cent.

“To secure the top spot in the OneFamily Hotspots Report is a fantastic achievement and York, with its excellent education, rich history, and picturesque surroundings, is very deserving of its place,” Karl Elliot, a spokesperson for OneFamily said.

Belvoir York recently reported how York is the best city for buy-to-let properties and we are sure this new information with also help the cities rental market as more families move to the area. 

The best cities in Britain to raise a family

1) York

2) Plymouth

3) Stoke-on-Trent

4) Newcastle upon Tyne

5) Birmingham

6) Wolverhampton

7) Coventry

8) Bristol

9) Peterborough

10) Leicester

To find your next family home contact Charlotte or Claire on 01904 231022.

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