Preparing your home to sell

When people are looking to buy a house, they tend to buy into a lifestyle so show your home at its best. Here are our top ten tips to achieve the best price from the best buyer.

Remove clutter from your home

  • Get rid of the excess items that you do not use on a day-to-day basis and put it in the loft or in the garage. If you have lots of ornaments or wall decorations, then consider removing some of these. This will help create space and show viewers the size of your property.
  • Don’t overdo it though and completely empty the house, make sure there are still some elements of your personality left behind. You do not want it to look like a generic hotel.

First impressions count

  • You will be amazed how much the exterior of your house can influence a potential buyer. If the outside looks tired and unloved, then a viewing is already starting on the back foot. Make sure the front garden is tidy and consider painting exterior woodwork and the front door to really smarten the appearance.

Do the DIY jobs you’ve been putting off

  • Fix the leaking tap and put WD40 on the stiff back door lock. These may not seem like big things, but buyers may subconsciously see this and think that the property needs work and any offers they make may reflect this. Many people want to be able to move in without having to make any changes or do any work.
  • Re-grout or deep clean the grouting in the bathroom tiles as this makes a huge difference.

Clean and tidy the house

  • Quite self-explanatory this one! If people walk around and the property is unclean or untidy, then this is the lasting impression they will have of the property, and it is not a good one.

Make the house bright and well-lit

  • Make sure lights are all on for viewings and put lamps on in the corners that are a bit dark, especially in the winter months. This will again increase the attractiveness.
  • Make sure windows are clean for daylight viewings.
  • Consider putting mirrors up in rooms with dark walls – this will make it look lighter and airier.

Make the property smell good

  • Take the bins out and wash the bedding and clothes before viewings. Then ensure the windows are open to allow fresh air in.
  • The smell of cigarette smoke is always a major turn-off for potential buyers. One tip is to leave bowls of vinegar in the affected rooms for a few days and then open the windows for a few hours. The vinegar will absorb most of the stale smoke smell. If the room has been smoked in for a long period of time it may be worth repainting to remove the smell.
  • It’s a well-known ploy to bake bread to entrance viewers but often a more subtle approach with a couple of strategically placed lightly scented candles can work wonders.

Flowers and fruits help

  • Put some fresh flowers or plants around the house, not only can they add colour and vibrancy, but they can also make the property smell nice and fresh.
  • Remove the clutter in the kitchen but leave the bowl of fruit out, again it adds colour.

Give viewers space to decide for themselves

  • Let the estate agents do their job, they know what to say and how to say it to encourage people. If you are present for viewings then try not to follow the viewers around from room to room, it can make them feel uneasy and rushed. Stay in one room and then answer any questions that they may have at the end.

Heating of the property is key

  • In the spring and winter, put the heating on low for viewings. A chilly day in March or October may lead to the viewers questioning the warmth of a property if it has been off for the past few months. It’s better for viewers to be slightly warm then slightly cold.
  • If you have an old boiler, consider having it serviced before putting the property on the market. It means you or the agent can put viewer’s minds at ease to stop them worrying that the boiler might stop working or need upgrading. Although there is no guarantee that it means the boiler will work for the next few months, it helps create peace of mind by showing that it has been looked after and is working.

Not everyone loves pets

  • If you have cats or dogs, then make sure they are out of the house for viewings. Some people love pets, in which case they may spend more time playing with your pet than taking in the house, some people do not like pets and will feel uneasy or rushed when viewing. Finally, some people are allergic or have phobias, especially of large dogs and you will struggle to sell the benefits of your house if they are more focused on keeping away from your Alsatian!
  • Remove items such as baskets, bowls, and toys and especially litter trays.
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Arrange a free market appraisal

If you’re looking to sell or you’re just interested in how much your property might be worth, the best way to get an accurate and detailed understanding is through a free one-to-one appraisal with one of our experienced local agents. Request an appraisal with us using the form below.