- Read through the contract you have with your agent – what is your notice period?
This is likely to be 1 or 2 months and should be contained within the Terms of Business you signed. If you cannot find it, simply contact them, and ask. If you’re struggling to find this or your current agent isn’t helping, then feel free to bring in your paperwork to our office for us to look over for further advice.
- Instruct us
We will meet with you either at your home, our offices, or your rental property to conduct an overview of the property, make sure everything is legally compliant, up to date, and sign the new paperwork.
- Collecting the properties documentation
We can do this on your behalf – this saves you time and any awkwardness there could be with the existing agent!
We will liaise with your previous agent to obtain details of your tenant, copies of the tenancy agreement, property inventory, gas safety certificates, inspections, electrical safety checks and deposit details.
- Meeting the tenants
After a switch we will set up a meeting with the tenants to introduce ourselves, settle any worries and concerns and provide them with our contact information, and the new details on where to make their standing order payments.
- Relax
You can now sit back knowing your property is being fully managed and looked after by local professionals, who know what to do to keep your property maintained, tenants happy and rent coming in.